Sunday, February 5, 2012

Guzzle and Gorge: The Relationship Between Eating and Drinking on Campus

National Eating Disorders Screening Program 2012 Webinar 

Thursday, February 16th, 2:00-3:00pm EST

Registration limited to those who work with college students...

Guzzle and Gorge:
The Relationship Between Eating and Drinking on Campus
National Eating Disorders Screening Program 2012 Webinar
Thursday, February 16th, 2:00-3:00pm EST

Register for the free webinar.

CollegeResponse would like to invite you to a free webinar focusing on two of the most serious health issues on college campuses: binge drinking and disordered eating. These two prevalent issues have garnered the attention of university administrators, researchers and clinicians. The webinar seeks to explore the disorders and offer practical prevention programming and awareness campaigns for students.

Dr. Susan Kelly-Weeder of Boston College investigated the co-occurrence of disordered eating and binge drinking in samples of college men and women. The purpose of her studies is to explore the variety of disordered eating practices that often go hand in hand with binge drinking behaviors.

Key Elements of the Webinar will Include:
1. Presentation of Dr. Kelly-Weeder’s research, including a description of disordered eating behaviors, the connection with binge drinking practices and the subsequent consequences/harm to those students displaying both behaviors.
2. Clinical implications for counselors, nurse practitioners and doctors working with college students.
3. Practical implications from CollegeResponse program manager and former coordinator of wellness education at Emerson College, Deborah Engler, for prevention programming and education campaigns.

To register for the free webinar, please complete your information here.

CollegeResponse promotes the prevention, early detection and treatment of prevalent and often under-diagnosed mental health disorders. CollegeResponse programs are provided in-person and online and include the National Eating Disorders Screening Program, National Depression Screening Day, National Alcohol Screening Day and The DORA College Program.


The CollegeResponse Team
Deborah Engler and Leigh Quirk

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